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Looking for quotes about feeling broken from inside? We have rounded up the best collection of you break me quotes, sayings, phrases, captions, and status messages, (with images and pictures) that you might relate to.


  1. “I fixed you; you broke me.”
  2. “I feel like I’m losing myself.” – Unknown
  3. “I still have hope and I hate it.” – Unknown
  4. “I was broken before but you broke me more.”
  5. “You left in peace, but left me in pieces.” – Selena Gomes, Same Old Love Song
  6. “You know it hurts me but you do it anyway.” – Unknown
  7. “I think about you. But I don’t say it anymore.” – Unknown
  8. “I act like I don’t care but deep inside, it hurts.” – Unknown
  9. “And you broke me in all the ways I loved you.” – Mona-Lise
  10. “All I did was love you. All you did was hurt me.” – Unknown
  11. “The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.” – Unknown
  12. “I told you what hurts me and you did it perfectly.” – Unknown
  13. “I gave you my heart, I didn’t expect to get it back in pieces.” – Unknown
  14. “You weren’t just a star to me, you were my whole damn sky.” – Unknown
  15. “It is sad not to love, but it is much sadder not to be able to love.” – Unknown
  16. “Pleasure of love lasts but a moment. Pain of love lasts a lifetime.” – Bette Davis
  17. “I’m trying to forget you but I’m also waiting for you to come back.” – Unknown
  18. “It still hurts to see that you’re doing completely okay, without me.” – Unknown
  19. “I remember every word you told me. I can’t stop thinking about it.” – Unknown
  20. “Time doesn’t heal emotional pain, you need to learn how to let go.” – Unknown
  21. “Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” – Marilyn Monroe
  22. “Don’t cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won’t let you see the stars.” – Unknown
  23. “I don’t want you to save me. I want you to stand by my side as I save myself.” – Unknown
  24. “No matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn’t stop for your grief.” – Unknown
  25. “Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.” – Unknown
  26. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.” – Unknown
  27. “Sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart.” – Unknown
  28. “It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.” – Sara Teasdale
  29. “While it is better to be loved than hated, it is also far better to be hated than ignored.” – Unknown
  30. “You broke me to fix yourself. – six word story – I hate that I still miss you and probably always will.” – Unknown
  31. “Sometimes a little heartbreak is a lesson, and the best thing to do is just learn the lesson.” – Unknown
  32. “The hardest thing I ever did was walking away from you when I was still in love with you.” – Unknown
  33. “He loved me. He loved me, but he doesn’t love me anymore, and it’s not the end of the world.” – Unknown
  34. “”Of course I loved him,” she says. “you don’t give people you don’t love the power to destroy you”.” – Unknown
  35. “Loving you doesn’t hurt me. The only thing that keeps on hurting me is the fact that you never loved me.” – Unknown
  36. “You’re the first person who broke my heart. For the rest of my life, you will always be the one who hurt me the most. Don’t forget that.”
  37. “You broke me in such devastatingly beautiful ways. Even now I can’t help returning to our wreckage to watch our sparks soar into the night.”
  38. “The worst part is you knew… you knew how afraid I was of being hurt. And after all the time and effort you put into building my confidence and trust in you – you broke it in the worst possible way.” – Ranata Suzuki
  39. “I wish that I had never met you. Then there would be no need to impress you. No need to want you. No need for loving you. No need for crying over you. No need for heartbreaks. No need for pain or tears. No need for forgotten promises. No need for rejected hugs. No need for crying myself to sleep. No need for acting like you care. No need, for everything you’ve done to make me feel like absolutely nothing.”
  40. “Ever had that? Ever received a text message from someone, whether you woke up to it, got it during the day or before you ended your night and you looked at your phone and saw this long message, filled with words that hurt you, that completely changed your mood, that stopped you from breathing and put you in total disbelief? That everything you guys went through just ended by that text message? Crazy how a simple text message can make you feel complicated inside.”


  1. “You hurt me but I still love you forever.” – Unknown
  2. “The heart will break, but broken live on.” – Lord Byron
  3. “Oh honey, you can’t break a broken heart.” – Unknown
  4. “She broke her own heart, holding onto him.” – r.h Sin
  5. “I could never hurt you the way you hurt me.” – Unknown
  6. “Love is unconditional. Relationships are not.” – Unknown
  7. “You can’t buy love, but you can pay heavily for it.” – Unknown
  8. “I don’t remember what it’s like to not feel broken.” – Unknown
  9. “He was never mine but losing him broke my heart.” – Unknown
  10. “I’m ok during the day, but at night I just fall apart.” – Unknown
  11. “Still dancing on the memories of us you left behind.” – Unknown
  12. “Love is hard to find, hard to keep, and hard to forget.” – Unknown
  13. “Broken heart will turn into a stronger one within hope.” – Unknown
  14. “I wish you knew how much it destroyed me when you left.” – Unknown
  15. “You once made me happy, now your name breaks my heart.” – Unknown
  16. “It is often hard to bear the tears that we ourselves have caused.” – Unknown
  17. “Sometimes it is better not to show how much you have been hurt.” – Unknown
  18. “There is an ocean of silence between us… and I am drowning in it.” – Unknown
  19. “I thought you were healing me but no, you just broke me even more.” – Unknown
  20. “When you have your heart broken for the first time, you gain depth.” – Unknown
  21. “The shattering of a heart when being broken is the loudest quiet ever.” – Unknown
  22. “So it’s true when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love.” – Unknown
  23. “The saddest thing in the world is loving someone who used to love you.” – Unknown
  24. “If you cannot hold me in your arms, then hold my memory in high regard.” – Unknown
  25. “My heart is taken by you, broken by you and now it is pieces because of you.” – Unknown
  26. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” – Unknown
  27. “You hurt me more than what I deserve because I loved you more than what you deserve.” – Unknown
  28. “Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow.” – Unknown
  29. “Only time can heal your broken heart. Just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.” – Miss Piggy
  30. “You broke me. You broke my heart. And I hate you because I still love you. And I hate myself even more for it.” – Unknown


  1. “You broke me first….”
  2. “A broken heart bleeds tears.” – Unknown
  3. “I’m still here loving you silently.” – Unknown
  4. “It broke my heart but opened my eyes.” – Unknown
  5. “You broke my walls down, but then broke me as well.” – Unknown
  6. “Forget what hurt but never what it taught you.” – Unknown
  7. “You came, you left. You broke me twice…” – Yajant Bhawsar
  8. “I’d rather have a broken arm than a broken heart.” – Unknown
  9. “You know I love you. But you broke my heart anyway.” – Unknown
  10. “If you really care for me, you won’t hurt me this badly.” – Unknown
  11. “It hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.” – Unknown
  12. “Why hurt someone whose only intention was to love you?” – Unknown
  13. “You promised me and you broke that promise and my heart.” – Unknown
  14. “You will forever own a piece of me that I can never take back.” – Unknown
  15. “You broke my heart, but I still love you with all the broken pieces.” – Unknown
  16. “Spiteful words can hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart.” – Unknown
  17. “I used to think of you as somebody who would never, ever hurt me.” – Unknown
  18. “I acted like it wasn’t a big deal when really it was breaking my heart.” – Unknown
  19. “You don’t break me. I broke me because I believed in something that wasn’t real.”
  20. “Loving someone and not being loved in return, worst thing in the world.”- Unknown
  21. “You know you really love someone when you can’t hate them for breaking your heart.”
  22. “That was manipulation, that was traumatic, that was abuse, that broke me. You broke me.”
  23. “If they ask you about me, tell them: “She was the only person that loved me with honesty, and I broke her”.”
  24. “Everyone in life is going to hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.”- Unknown
  25. “You broke me so badly that even your coming back didn’t build up my trust for you neither did it heal me.” – Anisha Beevi
  26. “One day you’re going to remember me and how much I loved you…. then you’re gonna hate yourself for letting me go.” – Aubrey Drake Graham
  27. “Perhaps someday I’ll crawl back home, beaten, defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty out of sorrow.” – Sylvia Plath
  28. “You broke me bodily. The heart ain’t the half of it, and I’l never learn to laugh at it in my good natured way. In fact, I’m laughing less in general, but I learned a lot at my own funeral. And I knew you’d be the death of me, so I guess that’s the price I pay.” – Ani DiFranco
  29. “I trusted you. I really, really did. You were the only person I talked to. Then you stabbed me, till I was no longer bleeding. You chocked me, until I was no longer breathing. You took all I was and left me in a thousand pieces. They are not what they show, they have two faces.”
  30. “If I sing you broke my heart, you left me flat, everyone knows exactly what that means – they know the story. But if I sing a line that’s plaintive or wailing, people can experience their own set of emotions and their own story. Each of us might give that phrase a different meaning. It’s open to interpretation, and one song becomes a thousand songs. I love that.” – Bobby McFerrin


  1. “I wish you knew how bad it messed me up.”
  2. “You broke me like I was one of your promises.” – Unknown
  3. “I’m not mad, I’m just so deeply, deeply hurt….”
  4. “She chose herself because you refused to.” – R.H. Sin
  5. “You promised me. And then you broke that promise.”
  6. “You knew I love you. But you broke my heart anyway.”
  7. “In a way, you fixed me but somehow, you also broke me.”
  8. “All these things that I’m holding inside, is suffocating me.”
  9. “If hurting me doesn’t hurt you, don’t ever tell me you love me.”
  10. “I fell in love with all your flaws. But you left me because of mine.”
  11. “Oh, I’m sorry… I though you meant what you promised. Silly me.”
  12. “It’s not always just the heart, sometimes your mind breaks as well.”
  13. “You broke me into pieces, then complained about the mess it made.”
  14. “The worst pain is getting hurt by a person you explained your pain to.”
  15. “Meeting you will never be my regret. Tolerating the ways you hurt me always will be.” – Unknown
  16. “Sometimes I still have to take a deep breath and remind myself that not everyone will break me like you did.”
  17. “You didn’t just cheat on me; you cheated on us. You didn’t just break my heart; you broke our future.” – Steve Maraboli
  18. “Neither of us is happy. Neither of us wants to leave. So we keep breaking one another and calling it love.” – Rupi Kaur
  19. “You hurt my feelings, you broke my heart, you made me cry, you left me alone and yet, I wonder why, I still love you…..”
  20. “You did nothing wrong; I broke my own heart, in believing that a person like you could ever resemble a person I need.” – Unknown
  21. “Sorry that I have trust issues, but when you give someone everything and they treat it like nothing, something inside of you really breaks.”
  22. “You broke my heart and trust. But you could call me 3 months from now at 5 am and I would still pick up my phone. Do you know how pathetic that makes me feel?”
  23. “You left, but not completely. Because the memories kept wandering through my head, and they do nothing, but remind me, of how once again, I wasn’t good enough.”
  24. “I miss you in waves and tonight I’m drowning. You left me fending for my life and it feels like you’re the only one who can bring me back to the shore alive.” – Denice Envall
  25. “People scare me. They change their minds so quick. One moment it’s “I love you” and “you make me happy” and the next it’s “I’m not sure anymore” and “this isn’t what I want.”
  26. “I don’t hate you. I simply think that it’s impossible to hate someone you once truly loved. But I often find myself angry with you, wondering why you awakened the feelings within me that you were not willing to continue taking care of.”
  27. “It’s crazy how someone can be your entire world and then just like that they disappear from your life like you never even knew each other. They break you in a way you didn’t know you could break, and leave you all alone to put together the pieces.” – Unknown
  28. “You broke my heart, over and over, and over again. And the sick thing is that it doesn’t stop me from coming back to you. It doesn’t stop me from searching for you in a crowd, or from thinking about you. I’m wrapped around you and, god, you don’t even notice.” – Unknown
  29. “It didn’t hurt me. Not ‘hurt’. Hurt is a four letter word. It’s short, almost cute sounding. Aawwww, did that hurt? No. It didn’t hurt. Destroyed, Obliterated, Desecrated, Annihilated, Demolished, Shattered, or Demoralised maybe… But no. It didn’t hurt me. It didn’t ‘hurt’ me at all.” – Ranata Suzuki
  30. “You broke me into pieces. You knew I was broken but you decided to break me even more. It is paining. It is hurting and I am crying. It tortures my mind and damages my soul. Nobody can see it but it hurts every time. Please come and heal me before I die. I said I’m okay but my heart knows the lie. You thought you are healing me but NO… No you are just breaking me even more. I did not have the courage to tell the lie… Please come and heal me before I die…. :(” – Aisha Singh


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you broke me quotes images
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you broke me quotes
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