28+ Totally Relatable Memes To Help You Celebrate (Or Mourn) Your 30th Birthday

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“Congratulations on being one year closer to a senior citizen’s discount at the movies.”

“When someone says ‘ten years ago’ I think about the 90’s not 2006”

“You know you’re old when you go to bed at the time you used to go out.”

“I’m ‘it’s 8:30 and you want to start a movie this late?’ years old.

“Until she turns 30, a woman looks younger day by day. After 30, a woman is downright gorgeous!”

“I don’t care what people think of me. At least mosquitoes find me attractive.”

“How can you say we are old after 30?? We JUST became women! Like anyone took us seriously in our 20’s….pshhh.”

“At least you’re not turning 31.”

“I’ve decided I’m not old. I’m 25 plus shipping and handling.”

“I will be 29 until further notice.”

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