11. Obstacles are challenges for winners and excuses for losers.”

12. Just because you took longer than others, doesn’t mean you failed. Remember that.”

Short Motivational Quotes
13. Never get too attached to anyone unless they also feel the same towards you, because one sided expectations can mentally destroy you.”

14. You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.”

15. When you are wrong, admit it. When you are right, be quiet.”

16. Don’t decrease the goal, increase the effort.”

17. In the end, people will judge you anyway, so don’t you’re your life impressing others. Live your life impressing yourself.”

18. They laugh at me because I’m different. I laugh at them because they’re all the same.”

19. Know what you’re worth, trust your heart, follow your dreams, even if you have to stand alone.”

20. Train your mind to be stronger than your feelings.”