“21. Fight me if you wish but remember I am old for a reason.”

“22. No one looks stupid when they’re having fun.”

“23. You will never have this day with your children again. Tomorrow they’ll be a little older than they were today this day is a gift. Just breathe, notice, study their faces and little feet. Pay attention. Relish the charms of the present. Enjoy today, it will be over before you know it.”

“24. There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand without you even speaking a word.”

“25. We are only as blind as we want to be.”

“26. You don’t have to learn how to control your thoughts; you just have to stop letting them control you.”

“27. Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show.”

“28. I prefer to earn it. It makes me appreciate it more.”

“29. To be outstanding- get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”

“30. A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies; a man who never reads lives only one.”