If love at first sight has been your case then here is an I love you quote for her that would work best to express your feelings of the moment to your beloved.

Best quote shared in person followed by a passionate kiss that would go down the memory lane as the day to remember in your love life.

A nice I love you quote for her that shares your sense of commitment towards the love of your life.

Adorable quote that is simple yet great and works its magic.

A genuine reason of what enticed you towards her and how she stole your heart forever. This one is a good message for the times when you would like to keep things simple.

It is not when you find the outward beauty appealing that you can say that you have fallen in love. It is when the inner beauty of that person charms you more, that you can say you have genuinely grown fond of that person.

Brilliant I love you quote for her when all you want to do is convey the point that you have sealed your love forever, and you are hers to keep.

This one maintains pace with the modern times. Works great to express what you feel in a truly adorable manner.

That is definitely going to leave a smile on her face. Hug her tight the next time you meet as a follow up of this adorable message.

If she is that anchor who brings a sense of stability in your life then this I love you quote for her makes a great message to share with her, especially on a day like Valentine’s day.