#21. Welcome to the new morning with ‘smile’ on your ‘face’ ‘love in your ‘heart’ ‘good thoughts ‘in your mind’ wish you a lovely morning always”. Good morning”
#22. Have a wonderful day”
#23. Good morning never think I have nothing… Never think I have everything… But, always think I have something and I can achieve anything have a great day!”
#24. You may not end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you were meant to be. Good morning…”
#25. You will never have this day again so make it count”
#26. Life, family, and friends are worth more than all the money in the world. Good morning”
#27. Every morning U hv twoo choices: continue to sleep with dreams, or wake-up and chase them. Good morning”
#28. Good morning whenever you are in a position to help so someone, just do it & be glad, Bcoz. God is answering someone’s prayers through you. So don’t think that anybody is using you but remember that you’re useful. Have a nice day”
#29. Never hate your haters, but respect them. Because they are the ones that think that you are better than them.”
#30. Alphabet ‘O’ stands for ‘Opportunity’, which is absent in yesterday, available in today and thrice in tomorrow never lose hope… !Good morning!”