Top 97+ Funny Minions quotes and sayings

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“91. I’m not old I woke up, I lifted my arms, I moved my knees, I turned my neck… Everything made this same noise: ‘crrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaarrrcccccK!’ I came to a conclusion: I am not old, I am crispy.”

“92. I’m not fat. I’m just so freak in’ sexy it overflows.”

“93. A pretty face is nothing f you have an ugly heart.”

“94. Just before I die, I am going to swallow a bag of popcorn kernels. My cremation is going to be epic.”

“95. The hacker was so disappointed in my bank account… He started a go fund me page.”

“96. And so ends another week without me becoming unexpectedly rich.”

“97. Just because I’m awake doesn’t mean I’m ready to do things.”

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