Funny Minions quotes and sayings
Top Funny Minions quotes
“1. Hi spider, Nice spider, Let me pet you… With my foot! Good spider, Dead spider.”

“2. I have reached the point in my life when I’m not out to impress anyone. Take me as i am or it’s your freakin loss”

“3. My bank account balance is a constant reminder that I’m safe from identity theft

“4. If we were on a sinking ship and there was only one life vest… I would miss you so much.”

“5. Lord, please give me patience because if you give me a strength I’ll need bail money too.”

“6. Don’t worry about I’m doing, worry about why you’re worried about what I’m doing.”

“7. Take a breath and count to 10. Throw a punch at 8. Nobody expects that.”

“8. Lord, grant me the serenity to accept stupid people the way they are, courage to maintain my self-control and wisdom to know that is i act on it, i will go in jail.”

“9. Just in case no one told you today: -Good morning – You’re beautiful – I love you – Nice butt.”

“10. I hate it when people are at your house and ask “do you have a bathroom?’ No, we pee in the yard.”