Top 77+ Funny Memes And Hilarious Sayings

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“71. Picking up dogs picking up cats”

“72. Whiskey because who in the hell needs feelings.”

“73. How did “the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog” become the typical sentence that containes all letters of the alphabet and not “sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow” which is objectively a million times cooler”

“74. How to fall asleep and meet new people at subconscious parties”

“75. I’m so happy to see you, I was sitting on the cough when “bang” the cushions exploded, I could have died”

“76. I don’t know why everyone makes the grim reaper out to be a bad guy I mean he’s just taking to you to the afterlife it’s not like he killed you it’s actually quite nice of him to walk you there imagine if you had to go alone”

“77. Picture only not message”

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