Top 77+ Funny Memes And Hilarious Sayings

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“61. Diabetes bob has diabetes.”

“62. Helpless Chihuahua gets too high on mushrooms”

“63. Everyone brings joy to this office some when they enter & some when they leave”

“64. People who have recently ingested caffeine are easier to influence than people who have not.”

“65. When someone keeps posting their fortnite wins”

“66. Tigers do the stupid tongue thing too??? Tigers are just big cats!!”

“68. 6 monts, 6 months you’ve been yelling at me to come down out of my tree! Well here I am! What do you have to say now?”

“69. Flyawaymax I only have 151 hours left on this I better charge it quick hardollarsign do you have a fucking nuclear generator as your battery”

“70. The first time I held my baby cousin, we were equally confused…”

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