100+ Funny 40th Birthday Memes to Take the Dread Out of Turning 40

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“Happy 40th birthday.”

“40 years old – the half way point between diapers, and Depends.”

“Happy 40th birthday my beautiful friend. Don’t count the years, make the years count.”

“Have a happy 40th birthday!”

“Hear that rattling? It’s the sound of your youth slipping away. Happy 40th Birthday!”

“Here’s to taking 40 by the horns and making it your b***h…right after that nap! Happy 40th Birthday!”

“Holy #%@*! You are 40.”

“Happy 40th birthday honey. Love you XXXXX.”

“Happy 40th birthday! Hope it rocks!”

“40th birthday? You old b***h!”

[boombox_gif_video mp4=”https://www.centralofsuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/5db00b9f3b45b_happy-40th-birthday-memes-30.mp4″ gif=”https://www.centralofsuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/happy-40th-birthday-memes-30.gif” jpg=”https://www.centralofsuccess.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/5db00b9f3b45b_happy-40th-birthday-memes-30.jpg”]

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