So often we are our own worst enemy . Don’t allow yourself to be what hold you back. “You are far too smart to be the only thing standing in your way.”

When we don’t work out, we don’t feel good. We gain weight, we get brain-fog, and we are way more prone to be in a bad mood all the time. “You’re only one workout away from a good mood.”

Even when you are working out regularly, you can hear that little voice in your head that says to stop. But don’t listen to it!! “Your lungs are burning, your legs are shredded, your heart is pounding. Keep going!”

One of my favorite excuses is telling myself I deserve some quiet time to just be by myself. Well guess what, when I go to the gym, it is just me, myself and I. “This is my me time! “

Remember that being healthy isn’t just going to the gym 3-5 times a week. It’s about what you eat and how you treat your body. “Fit is not a destination, it is a way of life.”

There is no one to blame when it comes to your life. Not genetics, not someone else’s decisions, just you. You decide your health, no one else. “Your life is a result of your choices. If you don’t like your life, it’s time to make some better choices.”

Have a healthy addiction. Focus on your goals, focus on your training. Eat, sleep and breathe it all in! “I am proudly addicted to becoming stronger.”

Deciding to work out is a choice . If you convince your brain that you want to go to the gym, and you want to be healthy, your body will obey. “Your fitness is 100% mental. Your body won’t go where your mind doesn’t push it.”

When you make excuses, what do you have to show for it? Nothing. “Make muscles, not excuses.”

It’s okay if you can only work out for five minutes today. Shoot for seven tomorrow. Aim for twenty by the end of the week. “Slow progress is better than no progress.”