80+ Don’t Give Up Quotes And Inspirational Quotes About Life

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“61. You can’t give up, even if all you do is the cry. Swallow your tears, stand up on your own two feet and show them that you aren’t giving up. No matter what.”

“62. Please don’t give up. Often it’s just when you’re ready to give up that your miracle arrives!”

“63. Never give up on something you really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.”

“64. Dear human, you can’t give up. You can’t give up on love because others are hateful. You can’t give up on believing in one another because you’ve been let down. You can’t give up on hope because pain came your way. You can’t give up on kindness because some people are cruel. You can’t give up on peace because war surrounds you. You can’t give up on dreams because they don’t always come true. Life isn’t about everything being in order. Life isn’t about bliss. Life is about learning to live, love, hope and believe in the midst of perfect imperfection. Life is messy, complicated, confusing and beautiful all at the same time. Life is the single best gift you have ever been given. You can’t give up.”

“65. In case no one told you today, you’re beautiful. You’re loved. You’re needed. You’re alive for a reason. You’re stronger than you think. You’re gonna get through this. I’m glad you’re alive. And don’t ever give up!”

“66. Take pride in how far you have come and had faith in how far you can go”

“67. Don’t keep allowing the same things to upset you. Life’s too short to live that way. Every day is a gift.”

“68. Stay centered in love and miracles happen”

“69. One…One tree can start a forest: One smile can begin a friendship; One hand can lift a soul; One word can frame the goal; One candle can wipe out darkness; One laugh can conquer gloom; One hope can raise your spirits; One touch can show you care; One life can make the difference, be that one today.”

“70. Don’t give up when things go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, when funds are low and debts are high, and you want to smile but you have to sigh, when care is pressing you down a bit, rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.”

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