80+ Beautiful Sad Quotes On Relationship [That Make You Cry]

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He was the love of my life, but life moves on.

Sebelum benar-benar patah hati, kau tak akan pernah menyadari seperti apa kau ingin dicintai. Sad quotes on relationship #12.

LIFE – Death’s Very Emissary

I walk these lonely streets at dark. Just me and the night; crowded head, empty heart.

One of the sad features of most close relationships is the decay of intimacy as a function of time, turmoil, and all the little misunderstandings that inevitably occur between people, leading them, year in and year out, toward the same tired conclusions: conversation falters; friendships fail. Sad quotes on relationship #15.

He wipes tears off my face and then snot. He uses his hands. He loves me that much.

‘Better to have loved and lost,’ my ass. Anyone parroting that little platitude had obviously never lost anyone of consequence.

He steals your knees, not because he needs you, but because he feeds off of your fears. Sad quotes on relationship #18.

The only difference between success and failure is Lack of Vision

Life is about the moments you create,that you can keep with you forever.After everything is over,That is what we have or what we are left with.

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