90+ Deep Love Quotes For Her You’re Going To Love

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“18. The worst feeling is when you find out you didn’t mean as much to someone as you thought you did and you look so stupid for caring too much.”

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“19. Those you love will go through hard times. Don’t give up on them. Patience + Caring + Empathy = Love”

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“20. I choose you. And I will choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I will keep choosing you.”

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“21. When I give you my heart, I’m not giving you the authority to rule it, abuse it or use it. I give it to you because I trust you enough to take care of it.”

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“22. Everything will come to you at the perfect time.”

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“23. Follow your heart regardless of what others tell you to do. At the end of the day it’s you that has to live with your decisions, not them.”

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“24. Without you there is no me.”

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“25. Love is the most healing force in the world; nothing goes deeper than love. It heals not only the body, not only the mind, but also the soul”

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“26. I want everyone to know that you are mine and no one else’s.”

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