#61. Good morning! I hope your blessings multiply, your worries are put to rest and your smiles get bigger! Have a great day and a nice weekend.”

#62. Good morning the older you get, the more you realize you have no desire for drama, conflict, or any kind of intensity. You just want a cozy home, good food on the table, and surrounded by lovely people who make you happy.”

#63. We all deserve to have a great day. Start the day with a grateful heart. Go through your day with contentment and positivity. Put love in everything you do, and always believe that a bit of miracle is waiting for you somewhere behind the radiant sunlight. Good morning.”

#64. Successful people have two things on their lips. #Silence and smile”. Smile to solve problem and silence to avoid the problem. Good morning…”

#65. Good morning the first step to success is to believe. Believe in life. Believe in your dreams. Believe in miracles. Believe it’s possible. Believe in friendship. Believe in peace. Believe in love. Believe in yourself. Have a wonderful day.”

#66. Beautiful lines #Alone I can ‘say’ but together we can ‘talk’. ‘Alone I can ‘enjoy’ but together we can ‘celebrate’. ‘Alone I can ‘smile’ but together we can ‘laugh’. That’s the beauty of human relations. We are nothing without each other. Good morning.”

#67. Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. Good morning.”

#68. Most of the problems in life come because of two reasons: we act without thinking. And we keep thinking without acting. Good morning.”

#69. What you have, many can have… but what you are, no one can be. Good morning.”

#70. A smile is a spiritual perfume you spray on others everyone near you benefits from it have a smiling day! Good morning.”