#41. Just because a person smiles all the time, doesn’t mean their life is perfect. That smile is a symbol of hope and strength. Good morning.”

#42. Anger makes you smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you are a good morning.”

#43. Have a grateful day! Stay centered with a high standard of happiness and peace in your experience. Don’t react to negative circumstances. Let things be what they are, keep smiling, and you will glide through your day with grace and ease!.”

#44. Richest wealth is wisdom. Strongest weapon is patience. The best security is faith. Most effective tonic is laughter and surprisingly all are free. Good morning.”

#45. Good morning wishing you a day full of joyful moments. Prayer the most powerful weapon against trials. The most effective medicine against sickness. and the most valuable gift to someone.”

#46. Good morning life is a bank account in God’s hands. Nobody knows the balance of the remaining days. Keep depositing with forgiveness, prayer, and obedience.”

#47. Good morning every exit has an entry somewhere.. Every end has a new beginning. Every dark cloud has a silver lining.. smile & stay healthy never leave hope. Life means possibilities.. Have a lovely day”

#48. Have a bountiful day! May your day be filled with bountiful blessings and wonderful small surprises. be alert to notice lovely things that may happen for you today!.”

#49. Good morning #good thoughts precede great deeds. Great deeds precede success.” Have a great day!!”

#50. Days begin with hopes in ends with dreams every day starts with some expectation, but every day surely ends with some experience. #that’s life!” Good morning have a nice day.”