Winne the Pooh quotes “The old grey donkey, Eeyore stood by himself in a thistly corner of the Forest, his front feet well apart, his head on one side, and thought about things. Classic Winnie The Pooh Quotes love, Instant Collection “A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference” “How do you spell love? You don’t spell it you feel it.” Winnie the Pooh quotes inspirational “I Knew When I Say You A Grand Adventure Was About To Start”
Awesome Disney quotes and Winnie the Pooh nursery “Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, “Why?” and sometimes he thought, “Wherefore?” and sometimes he thought, “Inasmuch as which?” and sometimes he didn’t quite know what. Pooh bear quotes 59 pearls of wisdom from our favorite childhood friends.
#1. Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them… your smile, your hope, and your courage.”

#2. I love you simply because you’re you”

#3. Some people care too much. I think it’s called love.”

#4. What are you supposed to be? I’m a little black rain cloud, of course”

#5. The things that make me different are the things that make me.”

#6. How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

#7. Summer body wasn’t ready but the winter body is good to go…”

#8. winnie the pooh quotes friendship “Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life.”

#9. A giggle a day keeps the blues away”

#10. Anyone can show up when you’re happy. But the ones who stay by your side when your heart falls apart, they are your true friends.”

#11. While we try to teach our children about life. Our children teach us what life is all about.”


#13. Sometimes all you really need is someone to hug you tight and refuse to let you go until you feel better. You are very special”

#14. I think we dream so we don’t have to be apart so long if we are in each other’s dreams, we can be together all the time I love you to the moon and back”

#15. Merry Christmas”

#16. Be someone’s reason to smile”

#17. The best place in the world is in the arms of someone who will not only hold you at your best but will pick you up and hug you tight at your weakest moment.”

#18. Sometimes, all you need is a hug from the right person and all your stress will melt away. Healing hugs”

#19. Enjoy the little things in life.”

#20. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present. Winnie the Pooh”

#21. Leave footprints of love and kindness on every step on your journey.”

#22. Any day spent with you is my favorite day.”

#23. BXtch please!”

#24. Promise you’ll never forget me, not even when I’m a hundred.”

#25. Winnie the Pooh quotes love “Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.”

#26. Be bold enough to used your voice, brave enough to listen to your heart, and strong enough to live the life you’ve always imagined”

#27. Goodbye..? Oh no, please. Can’t we go back to page one and do it all over again?”

#28. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!”

#29. Winne the pooh quotes “Sometimes you have to be your own hero”

#30. #How do you spell ‘love’?” – Piglet #You don’t spell it, you feel it.” – Pooh”

#31. Some people care too much, I think it’s called love.”

#32. Oh his death bed, Christopher Robin tries to explain to pooh the concept of death. #You see,” began Christopher with a long sigh. #It’s like sleeping for a long, long time.” Christopher Robin was surrounded by his friends under his favorite tree. It rested on the top of a hill overlooking the entire hundred-acre wood. He was older now, and he knew that he didn’t have much more time left with them. #But going to sleep means that someday you’ll wake up.” Pooh said with a smile.
#Precisely!” Owl exclaimed. #And we’ll be here when you do,” Kanga added. #I’ll even make you breakfast.” Christopher couldn’t help but smile. #I would very much like that. But you all have to understand that it will be a very, very long time.” #Oh ho ho! We are great at waiting for a long time! Rabbit here waits every year for the carrots to grow in the garden.” Tigger chimed in. #And every year you destroy them!” Rabbit snarled. #But Christopher!” Roo interjected, jumping into Christopher’s lap.
#What are we going to do when you’re gone?” #Oh I won’t be gone Roo. I’ll be right here.” Christopher placed his finger over Roo’s heart. Roo giggled and scrunched up into a ball. #We’ll be just fine,” muttered Eeyore. #I’m used to being alone anyway.” #None of you will be alone! You’re a family now, and while I’m gone you will all take care of each other.” #B-b-but you will b-b-be back r-r—right Christopher?” stuttered piglet. Christopher let out a soft sigh and looked around at all of his friends. It was going to be difficult to help them to understand.
They probably never would… #Sometimes good things come to an end. But here’s the secret everyone – come close!” they all huddled together underneath the tree to listen to Christopher’s secret. #Memories. Are. Forever.” He whispered and tapped pooh on the nose. #Memories?” said Pooh. #Well I have plenty of those! Like that time we saved you from the Heffalumps!” #Or when you helped me fix my garden!” cried Rabbit. #Or when you organized my library for me!” exclaimed owl. #Or that time you built me a new house out of those sticks you found in the woods.” Eeyore added sullenly.
#It didn’t last the night… but I remember it.” #Yes, yes I all of those are memories and you will have them forever. Just like I will have my memories of all of you.” Christopher stood up and took one last look over the hundred-acre wood. The sun was setting in the orange autumn sky and the trees were beginning to lose their leaves. It was time he went home. Christopher gathered all of his friends together and began walking back down the hill. They were all busy discussing the memories they had had with each other. #Christopher?” Pooh said, looking up at Christopher as they walked hand in hand. #You aren’t coming back, are you?” Christopher looked down at the ground and took a moment before he responded. #No pooh.
I won’t be coming back this time.” They walked in silence, listening to the sound of the crunching leaves underneath their feet. Pooh suddenly stopped and looked intently into the ground. #I believe I am going to miss you, Christopher,” he said with a soft, broken voice. Christopher leaned down and took his life long friend into his arms. #I will miss you too pooh. I will miss you very, very much.”

#33. Eeyore quotes “I’m not lazy I’m just in energy saving mode”

#34. It seems they had always been, and would always be friends. Time could change much, but not that.”

#35. Friends are like the walls of a house. Sometimes they hold you up, sometimes you lean on them but sometimes it’s enough to know they’re just standing by. You are very special”

#36. Awesome Pooh Bear Quotes

#37. When I first saw you… I knew an adventure was going to happen”

#38. This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever. In its place is something that you have left behind. Let it be something good.”

#39. One of the advantages of being disorganized is that one is always having surprising discoveries.”

#40. …the most important thing is, even if we’re apart… I’ll always be with you.”

#41. If you live to be a hundred. I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”

#42. Christopher Robin Quotes

#43. Winnie the Pooh Winnie the pooh’s a bear of very little brain…and an enormous heart! His friends love him for his happy nature, helpful attitude, and straightforward reactions to the challenges that each day brings. Good company and a pot of honey are all it takes to make pooh’s day!”

#44. A chat with your bestie solves everything”

#45. Don’t rush! Take time to think, think, think”

#46. Winnie the Pooh Quotes

#47. Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember the blessings that come each day.”

#48. I’d rather be in bed”

#49. Don’t dwell on those who let you down. Cherish those who hold you up. You are very special”

#50. If there ever comes a day, when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay here, forever.”

#51. You’d never invite a thief into your house. So why would you allow thoughts that steal your joy to make themselves at home in your mind?””

#52. Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon”

#53. I’m glad we’re friends we can crazy together now! :p”

#54. Laugh ‘til your tummy aches”

#55. Home isn’t just a place… it’s a feeling!”

#56. When you’ve waited all day for your favorite tv show”

#57. It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn’t use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like what about lunch?”

#58. Footprints… they tell you where you’ve been, but not where you’re going to go.”

#59. Love is taking a few steps backward maybe even more… to give way to the happiness of the person you love.”