This wonderful good morning love message makes a simple point that they have your heart and that you trust them to take good care of it.

Not being physically present isn’t going to stop you from wishing your love a good morning with a kiss, and this message is proof.

She won’t be expecting that and it is a pretty darn funny way to kick off communications this morning! Just be sure that you can handle a similar jab that will no doubt be made!

If there ever was an endearing message to send to your beloved first thing in the morning then this good morning love sms must be it. They’ll stammer, they’ll blush and it’ll take some time before you get a reply.

That’s right, let them know that they are not only on your mind as you fall asleep, but also when you are asleep, and of course in the morning after you wake up too.

The message, of course, is that now your reality is better than even the sweetest dreams, and isn’t that just the perfect thing to say to your lover first thing in the morning?

Tell it like it is, and give your beloved an ego boost that they perhaps don’t need, but fully deserve! It’ll make the rest of their day for sure.

Nothing like invoking a bit of fairy tale when it comes to your good morning love sms. Disney and the morning seem to go hand-in-hand… Now go see what your Sleeping Beauty has to say about being woken up from her deep slumber.

Beware, this might backfire as your beloved demands that you be there the next morning to kiss them as the idea that they should kiss themselves for you is more than absurd!

There’s a fine line between confidence and cockiness and you’re just about toeing it with this SMS. Still, if you don’t mind living dangerously then by all means send your love this good morning love sms.