There’s nothing like showering the one you love with a flurry of kisses; they wont have to second guess how you feel that very morning!

Go on, stroke their ego. You know they’re worth it, and you know you’ll reap the benefits later.

This good morning love sms is sure to make them feel like all is okay in the world even if they have a rough day.

There’s nothing like a bit of humour to start off the day. Any messages of clarification will have to be replied with kisses though!

Slightly formal towards the end, no? But sometimes that’s exactly how you feel and what you have to say.

Seriously, where would we be without them? Lost in some loveless existence, no doubt.

This good morning love sms is “I miss you” said in so many more words and in a much more charming way. And it is a pretty great text to receive from your beloved first thing in the morning.

That’s just the nature of love isn’t it… It can make something as incredibly annoying as your morning alarm seem not so terrible because it’s a new day to talk to and hopefully meet with your beloved!

Early morning honesty, we feel, is the best honesty there is of them all.

An excellent good morning love sms to send not only in general, but especially before a big date for your beloved – like an exam, meeting, job interview etc. It’s always nice to know that someone has your back.