The quintessential good morning love sms that will bring a smile to their face. If it’s a guy, you can also substitute beautiful with “handsome.” “Good morning, darling” works well for all scenarios as well.

10 words to say everything that your love would like to hear first thing in the morning – that they are loved, someone (you) wishes they have a nice day and they are remembered first thing in the morning!

An excellent good morning love sms to read when you’re the party receiving this text. Makes you feel loved and wanted like few other things can.

Making sure that you do the most important things first thing in the morning!

This good morning love sms seems a little narcissistic but it’s not a backhanded compliment, it’s a fact. Being with your love makes waking up in the morning worthwhile, and you never thought you’d be saying that.

On my mind as I drift off to sleep, on my mind as I awake refreshed. It’s the only way I know.

If you’re sending your love a good morning love sms then that means you’re away from them – not the ideal scenario! But still, you can always let them know how much you care with a sincere message like this one.

A demanding and cutesy message like the above one is pretty damn endearing if you don’t do it every single day!

It’s like being mothered by the one you love; a damned good feeling all in all.

Set the tone for tonight’s rendezvous by letting your love know that you’re thinking about them from the time you have woken up, with this good morning love sms.