250+ Depression Quotes And Sayings About Depression

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#271. If I let you in, please don’t break anything.”

#272. Everything seems to be exhausting me, no matter how much I sleep or how much coffee I drink or how long I lie down, something inside me seems to have given up. My soul is tired.”

#273. I am not living. I am surviving.”

#274. I don’t need drugs Life is killing me slowly all by itself.”

#275. When a depressed person shrinks away from your touch it does not mean she is rejecting you. Rather she is protecting you from the foul, destructive evil which she believes is the essence of her being and which she believes can injure you.”

#276. You see that girl? She looks so happy, right? Telling jokes, smiling, having a great time and… Dying inside. She’s hurt. And tired. Tired of all the drama, tired of not being good enough, tire of life. But she doesn’t want to look dramatic, weak and attention seeking. So she keeps it all inside. Acts like everthing’s perfect but cries at night. So everybody thinks that she’s the happiest person they know. That she has no problems and her life is perfect. If only they knew the truth…”

#277. That feeling when you’re not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty.”

#278. Nothing haunts us like the things we don’t say.”

#279. I never lose. Either I win or I learn.”

#280. I still hate myself I still thinking about dying and some nights I still hurting myself but I swear I’m trying my hardest to be ok.”

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