250+ Depression Quotes And Sayings About Depression

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#261. The worst type of crying is the silent one. The one when everyone is asleep. The one where you feel it in your throat, and your eyes become blurry from the tears. The one where you just want to scream. The one where you have to hold your breath and grab your stomach to keep quiet. The one where you can’t breath anymore. The one when you realize the person that meant the most to you, is gone.”

#262. Being in pain isn’t the hardest thing in life the hardest is trying to hide the pain.”

#263. I spent two years telling myself that I was getting better but now I’m realizing I’m not better and I don’t think I can handle this by myself anymore.”

#264. That feeling when you’re not necessarily sad, but you just feel really empty.”

#265. Depression is like being homesick, but not knowing where home is.”

#266. What people think depression feels like sadness what depression actually feels like hopelessness self-loathing isolation anxiety sadness guilt the emotional equnalent of watching paint dry.”

#267. What would you do if one day you woke up to find that I didn’t.”

#268. I say ‘sorry’ a lot. Mostly because I feel like everything is my fault.”

#269. #You asked me how I was doing and I wanted to spill out of my pain to you. I wanted to say, I’m really not doing well at all, I hardly sleep, and the smallest things make me cry because I’m balanced right on the edge but all I said was I’m okay and the sad thing was that you believed me.””

#270. I’ve always been afraid of losing people I love. Sometimes I wonder if there is anyone out there afraid to lose me.”

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