250+ Depression Quotes And Sayings About Depression

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#201. You are stronger than you think.”

#202. It’s sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.”

#203. I’m the type of person that will try to make everyone else smile, but when I need a smile, no one is there for me.”

#204. She finally let go of her fake smile and tears slowly rolled down her face as she whispered to herself I don’t want to be me.”

#205. I am good for a while I’ll talk more, laugh more sleep and eat normally but then something happens like a switch turns off somewhere and all I am left with is the darkness of my mind but each time it seems like I sink deeper and deeper and I am scared… Terrified that one day I won’t make it back up I feel like I am gasping for air screaming for help but everyone just looks at me with confused faces wondering what I am struggling over when they’re all doing just fine and it makes me feel crazy what the hell is wrong with me?.”

#206. Social anxiety afraid to go out. Afraid to talk to people. It’s difficult to make friends. I rather be home. Alone. Scared to be in a big crowd of people. Panicking about going to a social event. Nervous about meeting someone new. Scared to ask someone something. Staying quiet instead of asking for something you need. Feeling like everyone is watching you. Regretting going out.”

#208. I look outside and I see a whole world better off without me.”

#209. My ex had one very annoying habit. Breathing.”

#210. It hurts doesn’t it? Watching them be happy and you’re just being ripped apart inside.”

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