In this post, we present to you a large collection of happy birthday quotes, wishes, and messages for your loved ones. Happy Birthday Quotes for Best Friends, Happy Birthday Messages for Mom, Happy Birthday Wishes for Daughter, Happy Birthday Quotes for Sisters. Here you will also find many funny and cute birthday poems and wishes. Everything is FREE to download. You can email these greetings, share on Facebook, or write on birthday cards and invitations. Have fun, Cheers!
“Let’s light the candles and celebrate this special day of your life. Happy birthday.”
“Thinking about you on your birthday and wishing you much happiness. Happy Birthday.”
“Words are too few to wish you a good birthday. It is your special day. Make it the best!”
“Wishing a very special person a very special day. Happy Birthday.”
“You aren’t getting older, you are getting better. Happy Birthday.”
“Some people look old and feel young. Some people look young and feel old. Some people like us look young and feel young. Feels good to party on your birthday doesn’t it? Happy Birthday to You Buddy.”
“God gave us the gift of life; it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well.” – Voltaire
“May your special day be filled with memories and flowers, friendship and happy hours.”
“Don’t think of your birthday as getting another year older. Think of it as another year well spent with friends and family. I know am looking forward to the next year because we will get to spend it together. Here’s to you, my love.”
“You are a gift to the world. How is that for a reverse birthday wish. Happy Birthday.”
“Party hard – this is YOUR day, and only yours! Happy Birthday!”
“Happy birthday! Enjoy this year and use it as a launch pad for your future!”
Happy Birthday Quotes, Wishes for Best Friend
“Friends like you share happiness that does not depend on what happens or what is said. Happy Birthday.”
“Life is boring when you are not around. Happy Birthday to you – let’s make it grand!”
“You’re the living proof of that age is just a number ? Happy Birthday!”
“Friends like you don’t come along every day. That’s why I want to make sure on your Birthday you know how much you’re loved and appreciated.”
“Happy birthday to my best friend: the one who laughs at my jokes and cries with me during my heartaches. I love you, and will always be here for you.”
“Hey! It’s your Birthday! So what better time to celebrate all the many reasons I consider you to be my Best Friend? Hope you have a terrific day!”
“I actually think you are getting younger with each candle you blow. Your charm never ceases to amaze me. Happy Birthday.”
“I didn’t know it at the time, but the day you were born would be one of the best days of my life! Happy Birthday to my best friend!”
“Only a true friend can stand by me through thick and thin. Thank you for always being someone I can trust. I wish you the happiest of birthdays!”
“My best friend is my partner in crime, today is a day of celebration and trouble making for this best friend duo. Happy Birthday.”
Happy Birthday Wishes, Messages for Sister
“My dear sister, on your special day I‘d like to wish you an exciting life, full of great discoveries and joyful surprises!”
“It was such a great experience to grow up with a crazy and fun girl like you. I cherish all our sweet and exciting childhood memories. For me you will always be that adorable little sister, happy birthday!”
“It is a true blessing to have such a fun, smart and caring sister like you. Have a joyful and unforgettable day, full of everything that you love most!”
“Happy birthday to my lovely sister! Wishing you ocean of fun and lots of happy memories!”
“Dear sister, I wish you all the best on your Big Day and every day, may your life be full of joy, love and prosperity!”
“May smiles and fun, joy and cheer,
Luck and happiness stay with you all next year!
Hope your birthday brings all these to your door
Filling your life with delight and much more!”
“I love how different you are from me, while still being my sister… Happy Birthday to my beloved sister!”
“I have got a feeling that tonight’s going be a good night! Birthdays don’t come every day, so make it a day that will go down in history, my little super star!”
“Hurray! It’s my dear sister’s Birthday! I hope your birthday brings as much happiness to you as you are bringing to others!”
“Sisters share their secrets and goals,
The deepest hopes and dreams of soul.
Our lives may change
Through laughter and tears,
But a sister’s love will last the years.
Happy Birthday to my beloved sister!”
“There is a place that gives me strength, support and inspiration. It is my sister’s heart. Happy Birthday to my wonderful Sis!”
“To have a sister like you is like to find a treasure in life. Celebrate your Birthday, you deserve all the best!”
Happy Birthday Mom Quotes
“Dear mother, I wanted to say happy birthday and wish you lots of happiness, joy, laughter, health, love and many many more things your heart desires,
I hope you have a great day!”
“Today is an important day, even if you say it’s not.
Mommy, you make my days brighter,
You make me smile even when all I want to do is cry,
You make my world a better place, happy birthday!”
“Mommy, I wish you a joyful and happy birthday,
today is all about you, and let no one tell you otherwise!
Love you!”
“My dearest mother, thank you for all your love and patience,
Today is finally your birthday, so let’s make it an unforgettable day!”
“Happy birthday to my wonderful mom and my best friend! Your loving hug is the best place in the world for me! May your day be bright and full of joy!”
“With your strong belief in me, I know that there is nothing I couldn‘t do! I feel so lucky to have such a supportive and encouraging mother! Best wishes on your birthday!”
“Dear mom, you‘ve been always supporting me and fixing my broken wings. I am endlessly thankful for that. I love you so much, happy birthday!”
“No words can express the gratitude that I have for all the love, joy and support that you are bringing into my life every day. Wishing you a blissful birthday, mommy!”
“The warmest birthday greetings to the most special person in my life, my dearest mom! I am so grateful for your support and your faith in me! Happy Brthday to the most beautiful person of my life! Love you Mom!”
“Happy Birthday, dear Mommy!
You gave us so many gifts – a heart that knows love, a soul that knows joy, a spirit that knows giving.
Thank you for being everything a child could ever want.”
“My dear Mom, you love and give,
And make life such a fun to live,
That nothing but the best will do,
And that is what I wish for you!
Happy Birthday!”
“If sometimes you wonder if I still need you as much as I did when I was younger – the answer is YES!
No matter how many years pass by, I will always be the same little child who needs a hug and a loving word from Mother.
Birthday wishes and blessings are coming your way.”
“Mom, I want to tell you that – every year I crown you with the “Best Mother of the Year” award. There is no one who can come even closer to your winning ways. Happy Birthday to my great mom.”
“Mama, all I want that I could grow up like you in the future. I wish you a happy birthday and it’s all your guidance for which I have become the person I’m now.”
“Mama, you are the reason for whom this beautiful world has become visible to me. You are the most special lady to me. Enjoy your birthday.”
“The best mother in this world deserves world’s best wishes from all. Happy birthday to you, mama.”
Happy Birthday Quotes for Daughter|Messages|Wishes
“We love you our dear daughter to the moon and back. Happy birthday to you, our sweet little princess!”
“To our beloved daughter, you have always made us very proud and for that, we are forever grateful. Happy Birthday to you!”
“Happy birthday to you, our little angel! Our wish is for you to love life and to never cease dreaming. May you always be surrounded with beauty and happiness!”
“This day is very important for us and to everyone who knows you, our dear daughter! You are such an amazing person and on your birthday, we wish you all the best things in life.”
“Ever since you were a little baby to the day you became a teenage girly, you have always been the love of your mommy and daddy. Happy birthday.”
“The Gods smiled on us, the angels blessed us and the fairies worked their magic on our lives on the day you were born. Happy birthday.”
“I am proud to say the mini version of myself is way better that the original one. Happy birthday sweetheart.” – Special Brthday Wishes for Special Daughters!
“I still remember cuddling you in my arms and singing you a lullaby. But seeing you so grown up makes me realize how time flies. Happy birthday to my daughter.”
“As parents we couldn’t have has for anything more, than a daughter who we simply adore. In our lives we never have a bad day, because your smiles wipe all our sorrows away. Happy birthday.”
“A daughter is the chapter without which the story of her parents’ life can never be complete. Happy birthday dear.”
“I still remember the time, our daughter when you became. After you came into our lives, things were never the same. Everything became beautiful, prettier and more lovable. We realized that you are not just our daughter, but an angel so special. Happy birthday.”
“Daughters like you are fairies. They make their parents’ lives magical like a surreal fairy tale. Happy birthday.”
“The best part about having a daughter is that a mother can see her own reflection without looking into the mirror. Happy Birthday Rockstar”
“Lip color, gloss, eye liner and mascara – you have finally grown old enough to enjoy all these as you progress to your life’s new era. Happy birthday”
“Happy birthday, cutie pie, you are definately the brightest part of our lives! We wish you to love life and never stop dreaming!”
Funny Birthday Wishes, Quotes for Friends
“My dear friend another year has gone, but unfortunately that doesn’t mean you’ve become any wiser.”
“For your birthday, I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life.”
“Stop counting candles on your birthday cake! You will get one more year older, till you count them all!”
“Usually wisdom comes along with age. It look like you haven’t reach that age yet, happy birthday!”
“I promise I won’t reveal your age to anyone at the party, but we should probably light your cake outdoors in case the candles catch fire.”
“It’s freezing today and it is so good that your birthday cake with all the candles brings much more warmth than the fireplace!”
“Celebrate your birthday with laughter, fun, frolic and not forgetting your best friends. Happy Birthday to you, Cute smile!”
“Can’t tell you how cute you’ll look with all that cake on your face.”
“Today is the first day of your life as an old person, Happy Brthday.”
“Don’t think of it as getting older, think of it as becoming a classic.”
Happy Birthday Quotes, Wishes, Sayings, Images and Pictures