100 Inspirational Buddha Quotes And Sayings

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#21. The wholesome conducts: 1. No killing 2.No stealing 3. No sexual misconduct 4.No lying 5. No frivolous speech 6. No harsh words 7. No idle chatter 8.No craving or lusting 9. No anger 10.No wrong views.”

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#22. Let no sadness come to this heart. Let no trouble come to these arms. Let no conflict come to these eyes. Let my soul be filled with the blessing of joy and peace.”

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#23. Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”

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#24. Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.”

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#25. When thinking about life, remember this: No around of guilt can solve the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future.”

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#26. Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay.”

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#27. Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.”

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#28. Never give up. Great things take time.”

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Inspirational Buddha Quotes

#29. Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.”

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#30. Arguing with a fool proves there are two.”

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